12 Rules for Life
Symbols of culture in the dream state.
Symbols of culture in the dream state.
How we interpret what we hear and from whom we listen guides our life
“Night poured over the desert. It came suddenly, in purple. In the clear air, the stars drilled down out of the sky, reminding any thoughtful watcher that it is in the deserts and high places that religions are generated. When men see nothing but bottomless infinity over their heads they have always had a driving and desperate urge to find someone to put in the way.”
Stories from the book of Exodus have provided vital inspiration and instruction. Imagining the stories acts as a catalyst. The “transendant” became visible, first with Moses, appearing as a flame in a bush that does not burn up. Moses encounters an angel of the Lord in a “holy” place. As he approaches the phenomena, the…
Art is a manifistation of thought.
“Our fifth Open Studio tour.
“There is a sense of sacredness and security seeing the light illuminating the dark.”
A totem is a symbol for a sacred object.
Dreams project a reality through a dimension of sub-conscious images, experiences, and vibrations. The art of dreams depict movement. The dream has out-of-body movement, sometimes pleasant, sometimes daunting, sometimes real. In my dreams, I travel through realms that are purely imaginary, yet quietly familiar. My movement is aided by the wind high above the places…
A sensual light interupts the invasion of the dark. Sharp edges illuminate and define the darkness. The “other world” color has a light spectrum that engages the darkness, allowing the light to hover in silence.
Being part of and contributing to a community is the primary reason to sign up. Our time together as artists is playful. Food, Fashion, Music, and Art fills the air. It is like a town hall and laboratory for artists, but more importantly, a natural place to gather and experience serenity and energy.
Enroll on our site for notifications of all of our “art-centric” events, including Pop-Ups.
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