Photo of moon over the mountain.
Final Soiree

We are at capacity.

Our studio/home is perched along a private canyon road with a commanding view of the valley below. It embodies serenity and seclusion, providing the perfect backdrop for our artistic endeavors and the art-centric events we host.

The golden hour provides a portal to enjoy an evening with our artist friends and their mates. Food, fashion, music, and Art are in attendance. So is an evening full of live performances under the stars in Cinnabar Canyon.

event photos
Event Photos

As the sun sets on our studio home, we invite you to join us for one last unforgettable evening. The final Soirée, a celebration of creativity, community, and countless memories, will be held on Saturday, October 26th, starting at the “Golden Hour.” This event promises to be a fitting farewell to the place that has nurtured artistic expression and camaraderie and left an indelible mark on our community.

Our studio and sanctuary have always been a hub for inspiration and a gathering place for professional creatives. The final soirée is a goodbye and a tribute to our shared journey. It’s a celebration of the friendships that have been a part of our artistic journey in the valley.

Expect an evening filled with our art displayed in our studios and outdoor gardens. A selection of new works and unique pieces highlights our collective creativity’s evolution.

Satin Jackets, Weekend Players, Jadu Heart, Astro Color, Jermango Dreaming, Roosevelt, Jungle, Otha, Polica, Cannons, Darius, St. Lucia, The War on Drugs, Real Estate and others

Sandra and Larry Ortega in their studio and home in the desert preserve
Soul mates and studio mates


photo of person on a ladder.

Is the traditional art gallery dead?

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A disappearing retail category: art galleries The role of travel agents continues to disappear, replaced by apps and algorithms to book a hotel, rent a car and buy tickets to a show. Video stores, bookstores, camera shops, the brick and mortar versions have vanished, displaced by technology. Art galleries, cultural and art museums continue to…
Read More Is the traditional art gallery dead?
photo of sculpture

Desert Agave: Sharp, Spikey, Spiritual

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An elegant design adapted for desert life. Sharp and spikey for protection, with a smooth and tough skin to capture what is rare in the desert: Moisture. It lives as it was designed. In a way, I am casting the “inner” life of an Agave, its invisible nature full of life and light. The Agave…
Read More Desert Agave: Sharp, Spikey, Spiritual
photo of sculpture


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Desert Spirituality I am fascinated by religions, especially Native American religion and culture. Shamans and healers, speak about the meaning of engagements with the animal spirits. These holy men say that a hawk is often a messenger from Angels, Devas and the Divine. I muse that the found objects embedded within my work are like…
Read More “Surrender”