Our last Open Studio Sale of the year. It is a one-day event at Obliq Art, 1844 E. Cinnabar Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85020. This is our home studio in the Slope. We have limited parking at our location. Most people park along Cinnabar Ave and walk up the hill to our studio where you are greeted with something bubbly.
New Work

Obliq Art Parking

Open Studios 2024
Look for updates by email.
Previous Fall and Spring Open Studio Sales
We celebrated our fifth Fall Open Studio Tour on October 23. This is our second Open Studio event for the year. Obliq Art opened the studio and created a digital gallery. We partnered with Art Link to host an Open Studio Tour with Art Detour 34. https://artlinkphx.org/
We kicked off the art-centric weekend this past March with Soiree # 6 on Saturday evening. Then, on Sunday, we hosted an open Art Studio tour. The beer, wine, and food from the night before were a bonus. We surprise many people when they discover the location and the art exhibit. Soiree # 8 is in the planning stage for March 2023.
We hosted Joey Melinda Morgan and Hector Ortega as our guest artists. https://larryjortega.com/art-show-opening/
We were so grateful and a bit overwhelmed with our sales for the weekend and two weeks beyond. Our digital exhibit helped elongate the art studio tour.
Open Studio Tour October 23, 2022
Obliq Art will open late morning on Sunday, October 23. And concludes at the sunset hour. Joining us in the gallery are Jason Hugger, Sally Murphy and Nick Rascona. https://phoenixurbanguide.com/event/4092/open-studio-gallery-sale/
Visit our secluded studio and this unique art-centric event. Original paintings, sculpture, and mixed media art by local valley artists. We are called a “bohemian setting” by some. Obliq Art is situated along a private canyon road overlooking the valley. The canyon is part of the Phoenix Mountain Preserve. Our panoramic views and pristine desert setting are an inspiration for our work. It is a serene setting with very good juju. Part of the art studio tour. Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/@33.5774813,-112.0425328,17.07z
We’ve created something different, and we want you to experience it. We combine affordable, original artworks with a curated group of independent artists to show at Obliq Art Gallery and provide a semi-stocked bar.

The open gallery space has three significant walls spotlighting the artist’s work. An outdoor installation with pipe and black velvet drapes, with unique lighting, showcases my work. The garden areas have seating available to enjoy the day’s libations.
Soiree # 7 finishes on Saturday night, and the celebration continues the next day with our Open Studio Tour. Our Soirees bring together professional artists with recognition and a chimeric personality who have a viable practice. This includes chefs, visual artists, tattoo artists, poets, musicians, screenwriters, and friends of the arts.
Iron sharpens Iron. That is what generous artists do. https://larryjortega.com/art-show-opening/
Cinnabar Canyon Road Parking

No parking along the Cinnabar Canyon road. Please park on Cinnabar Ave (highlighted in yellow) and a short walk up the hill. You will be greeted with a refreshing drink, beautiful views, and an exhibition of local artists and art.
My work explores the unique interpretation of light and color. Like a prism bending light waves, I manipulate resins, rare earth minerals, and their intrinsic properties to absorb and re-emit light. Creating a surface-captivating dance of illumination and shadow. As a result, this distinctive use of materials allows me to channel the transformative power of light, akin to the dynamic strokes of paint on a canvas.

My creations are not just static sculptures. Moods are crafted through an application of color theory. The latest series is a collection of botanical molds cast with a strong palette of rare earth elements. Consequently, the light and wave spectrums create an opportunity to use bold colors. In short, these elements infuse the sculpture and light with a luminosity that transcends the physical, touching the spiritual.
My work, which glows in the dark, harnesses the incandescence of the rare earth elements. The works of art create a glowing evocation. Something that strikes a chord with our innate spiritual nature. My hope is the work will resonate with viewers on a deeper, more intrinsic level. In each piece, a visual experience and a spiritual journey are illuminated by the artistry. Learn more: https://larryjortega.com/desert-totem-sirens-of-the-desert/