How do you explain your art?
So what kind of art do you make? Explaining your art using the written language can be daunting. Describing it helps, but it is only skin deep. The process of creating the work is another layer and story. Emotion and ethos lays down another layer in my work.
For [many] artists answering why you create art is difficult. When a visual artist works deeply in the artwork, and surrenders to the “muse”, is becomes difficult to put into words an explanation of the final work. The intention of the work is there, but what happens sub-consciously when manipulating your mark, or the mood of the work is not captured with words but speaks within the work.
What words do you use for the process of alchemy in your work? How do you explain the magic? Or describe a dream sequence?? And what role does intuition play and how do you explain that?
‘My art explains my life. My life explains my art‘
I am going to mull over this notion. I think it is true. And maybe that is all I need to engage in a meaningful relationship.