“Illuminate” Art Show Opening
“Without light, darkness projects an infinite wilderness void of life.”
“Without light, darkness projects an infinite wilderness void of life.”
…it brought peer recognition but more importantly, it set in motion that insatiable desire to draw my soul.
“There is a sense of sacredness and security seeing the light illuminating the dark.”
The ethos of the desert is present in my work.
Being part of and contributing to a community is the primary reason to sign up. Our time together as artists is playful. Food, Fashion, Music, and Art fills the air. It is like a town hall and laboratory for artists, but more importantly, a natural place to gather and experience serenity and energy.
Enroll on our site for notifications of all of our “art-centric” events, including Pop-Ups.
We don’t sell your name, ask for donations, or to be a Patreon contributor. We support what we do by selling our artwork. We appreciate your support and thank you.