“The Return to the Office or [Church]”
Soiree #8-
Soiree #8-
It is a universal truth that death is an inevitable part of life. Moreover, each childhood trauma can profoundly impact our perception of life. My first encounter with death came at a young age, during a vacation in Yosemite National Park. A photo retrieved from my mother’s things after her death included a photo of…
At times, surfing becomes a spiritual journey and a transformative experience. The combination of the power and beauty of the ocean, coupled with the physical act of riding a wave, can create a sense of connection and transcendence. When you’re out on the water, catching a wave, there can be a profound moment where everything…
The prisoner swap exchanges the guilty for the innocent. “Give Us Barabbas, portrays the innocence of the lamb sacrificed. Its blood covers the names in the Book of Life. A portrait of the broken body of Jesus, the man, and the Lamb of God, soon to be Jesus, son of G_d. Jesus is described as…
Paracosms: Creative sketches of our imagination
Paracosms: Creative sketches of our imagination
Paracosms: Creative sketches of our imagination
Paracosms: Creative sketches of our imagination
“Draw Your Soul,” said my fourth-grade teacher, Sister Mary Lucy. I recognize now that drawing my soul has been a lifelong ambition. This was the first one-man show I mused about. The painting came quickly once I embraced the inspiration. Now, I learned that drawing your soul is a lifelong endeavor. “At ten years old,…
I found a note in a retired Moleskin journal—it became a teaching point I used to create the illustration for the talking point. The details written in the journal were somewhat obscure and indecipherable. My handwriting cannot keep up with transcribing thoughts during lectures and sermons—a snippet of wisdom. “Most of life happens in the…
Being part of and contributing to a community is the primary reason to sign up. Our time together as artists is playful. Food, Fashion, Music, and Art fills the air. It is like a town hall and laboratory for artists, but more importantly, a natural place to gather and experience serenity and energy.
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